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Yusuf sought untiringly to solve the mysteryof the gold cup. Circumstantial evidencewas certainly against Nathan. Awad,a rich merchant of Mecca, had placed thecup near a window in his house, and had forgottento remove it ere retiring for the night.A short time before dawn he had heard anoise and risen to see what it was. He hadgone outside just in time to see a figure passinghurriedly across a small field near hishouse. Even then he had not thought of thecup. But in the morning it was missed, andtracks were followed from the window asfar as the ruined house to which Nathan'sfamily had gone in their poverty. The housewas searched, and the cup was found hiddenin a heap of rubbish in an unused apartment.
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"Amzi! Amzi!" shouted the priest, with aforlorn hope that his friend might have lingeredbehind the fleeing party; but the onlyresponse was the beat of hoofs flying inevery direction, and the dull thud of thecamels' padded feet. There was nothingbetter to be done than wait until morning,so Yusuf and the guide lay down on thehard rock for the rest of the night.
Asru shook his head, gloomily. "Therewill be a brave resistance on the part of ourgarrisons," he said, "although many of themen are well-nigh as ignorant and superstitiousas the heathen Arabs; but Mohammed'sforces have swelled wondrously sincethe 'enchanted' storm. Well, we can butdo our best. Now, I see that the council hasassembled. They call us. Come."
Next morning he was in a decided fever.Then came long days of pain and nights ofdelirium, in which Manasseh and his twofriends hovered like ministering spirits aboutthe youth, whose wounds had healed only togive place to disease far more deadly. Inthose terrible nights of burning heat hisparched tongue swelled so that he couldscarcely swallow; he tossed in agony, nowfancying himself chained to a rock unable tomove, while the prophet urged him on to theheights above where the battle was raging;now imagining himself fastened near a burningfurnace whose flames were fed by thebodies of those whom he had slain. Hewould cry out in terror, and beads of perspirationwould start upon his forehead. Helived the whole war over again, and his onlyrest was at times when, partially conscious,he felt kindly hands placing cool bandageson his burning head, or gently fanning hisface. 2ff7e9595c