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Esoteric Structure Of The Alphabet: The Mystical Language of the Ancient Sages


Manly Palmer Hall (1901-1990) was a Canadian-born author, lecturer, astrologer, and mystic. The Secret Teachings of All Ages is a comprehensive compendium of the ancient occult and esoteric traditions of the world.

Freemasonry, though not a religion, is essentially religious. Most of its legends and allegories are of a sacred nature; much of it is woven into the structure of Christianity. We have learned to consider our own religion as the only inspired one, and this probably accounts for much of the misunderstanding in the world today concerning the place occupied by Freemasonry in the spiritual ethics of our race. A religion is a divinely inspired code of morals. A religious person is one inspired to nobler living by this code. He is identified by the code, which is his source of illumination.

Esoteric Structure Of The Alphabet

No other book in history has done more to clarify the esoteric, mystical, and occult traditions of the world than Manly P. Hall's The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Now, historian Mitch Horowitz provides the first companion work to Hall's opus. The Seeker's Guide to The Secret Teachings of All Ages helps 21st-century audiences enter and experience (or reexperience) Hall's hallowed pages and also clarifies and expands on some of the book's key themes and topics.

The modern world is awakening slowly to the fact that in the day we call ancient, though it was but a few thousand years ago in the run of millions, advanced men fully worthy of the name of sages were deeply versed in the profundities of recondite philosophy and possessed knowledge of things both human and divine and well comprehended the great sciences of both cosmology and anthropology. A study of ancient literature, growing more enlightened as it is pursued, is revealing the presence of a definitely formulated and highly organic truth structure, constituted of the essential elements of a great logical systematization of fundamental archai, as the Greek word has it, or principles of a cosmic order of being, expressed in many varied forms of representation everywhere over the field of ancient culture.

Dion Fortune's classic, The Mystical Qabalah, explores all aspects of the Qabalah, including the esoteric sciences of astrology and tarot, which form the basis of the Western Mystery Traditions. It provides a key to the practical working of this mystical system for both novice and initiate alike.

The success of books such as Elaine Pagels's Gnostic Gospels and Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code proves beyond a doubt that there is a tremendous thirst today for finding the hidden truths of Christianity - truths that may have been lost or buried by institutional religion over the last two millennia. In Forbidden Faith, Richard Smoley narrates a popular history of one such truth, the ancient esoteric religion of gnosticism, which flourished between the first and fourth centuries AD, but whose legacy remains even today, having survived secretly throughout the ages.

This set of essays discusses the esoteric side of Freemasonry. The Spirit of Masonry has been the essential source for anyone exploring the inner mysteries of the Masonic fraternity for more than 200 years.

Considered the foundational document of Kabbalah, the Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Foundation) is both esoteric and revolutionary. Its influence on both mystical and traditional thinking in Judaism is inestimable in the commentaries and other writings it's instigated over many centuries. Sefer Yetzirah is no longer the province of mystics only. Today, it holds a pivotal place in Jewish Theology.

I believe there are two words which best describe two approaches to the Hebrew language when it comes to translation. The first is the exoteric nature of the language and the second is the esoteric nature of the language.

Exoteric and esoteric seem to be two words which belong in the cold, dark, dank halls of academia and have no business entering the vocabulary of the average Christian. Yet, these words best describe an important element in translation of the Old Testament.

Exoteric refers to knowledge which is common to everyone, sometimes called common sense. Christians translate the Old Testament using exoteric knowledge. Esoteric refers to knowledge that is only for a select interest group. For instance, a physician may speak to another physician esoterically and say that his patient has suffered an acute inferior myocardial infarction. If that physician were speaking to me he would speak exoterically and say his patient had a heart attack. I am not a physician nor am I versed in medical terminology. The physician would just give me the general understanding of what happened to his patient, but to another physician he would give a more detailed explanation with a deeper and richer understanding.

Throughout history ancient orthodox rabbis and sages would speak to each other esoterically. I was fascinated with this esoteric language and spent the last 35 years making a study of it. I am by no means an expert in this field. I had little use for their codes and secrets. However, their use of the esoteric structure of the Hebrew alphabet did catch my attention, for it was here that I found such use of the esoteric structure of the Hebrew alphabet offered a deeper insight into the language itself.

Each letter has a number of meanings which are all interrelated. They also carry a shadow which reflects a negative value. When translating the Hebrew exoterically we translate word by word, but when we translate esoterically, we translate letter by letter. Every word in the Hebrew is rooted in a word which is a verb and has three letters which we call the triliteral root word. From this three letter root word suffixes and prefixes are added to give the word a grammatical value as masculine, feminine, singular, plural, etc. Prefixes and suffixes are also added to give a word an article, preposition or a pronoun.

What is important to understand is that when we translate esoterically, we are translating letter by letter. Every word in the Hebrew will explain itself and give us a deeper spiritual understanding. Keep in mind I am referring to the Square Script or Assyrian Script and not the Cannanite Script or what some call the Ancient Hebrew Script. The meanings behind the Ancient Hebrew Script is common to many cultures, but the meanings behind the Square Script or Assyrian Script is strictly found in the Hebrew language itself.

In the manual I am not only introducing the Hebrew exoterically as I had taught it for many years in a Bible College, but I am also introducing the esoteric nature of the language as I never taught it before.

I have found the esoteric structure of the Alphabet, in 2018. It is indeed the natures of Nature. How many vowels there are in the law of Nature for the human speech sounds, is answered; and how may consonants there are, is also, answered.There are 19 elemetal consonants arranged in a pattern of the human form; and there are more than 55 vowels.

This audiobook will change your view of symbols, their meaning, and how they affect our world. Kuhn is an exquisite genius in showing how our alphabet was formed and how language dictates reality. Get it!

The time has come for us once again to take a broader view of art: to stop seeing it as a narcissistic exercise for a few extremely self-conscious sensibilities whose despair at what they see as the frigidity and sterility of the modern world is matched only by their refusal to do anything about it. Such people, as a result, play an increasingly esoteric game they call art but which would more appropriately be labeled arrogance.

I'm very glad it was discovered that art could be about space, attitude, discovery, freedom and ambiguity, as well as about all the traditions that went before. I think it marvelous that art has expanded not only its content but its nature as well. That it has enriched and enlarged its alphabet, structure, even its range of expression. That's great, and I couldn't be happier. But how much longer must we play with and puzzle over this new ''alphabet,'' this new language, before we realize the purpose for which these tools were designed? How long before we realize that new styles, forms, colors are not only toys to be played with but also the basic ingredients for a profound and loving act of creative probing, perceiving, shaping, and projecting reality's larger implications? Before we realize that art is basically an act of sharing, not of hoarding?

My enthusiasm and love for art is total. I'm free to enjoy whatever moves or enthralls me. I have no bones to pick with any style or movement, no need to defend any particular point of view or historical position. I have a number of artist friends who represent no particular style - in fact, they represent them all. I enjoy reading the most esoteric of reviews, the most convoluted of critical pieces. I love to probe into any previously unexamined nooks and crannies where canvas, stone, even running water can be used in artful ways. 2ff7e9595c

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